How to set withdrawal password
1. Visit CoinEx official website (, log in to your account, and select [Security Settings] from the dropdown menu under the [Avatar] icon in the top-right corner.
2. Find “Withdrawal Password” in “Advanced Settings” section and click [Set].
Note: Please complete ID verification and set up Two-Factor Authentication before setting a withdrawal password.
3. Obtain and enter the "Email verification code", then click [Next].
4. Select an appropriate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method (e.g. SMS / TOTP / Passkey) for verification. Then click [Next].
(1) If the current 2FA tool is unavailable, click [Switch verification tool] to use an alternative method to verify.
(2) If all of your other 2FA security tools are unavailable, please click [Security authentication unavailable?] to reset a security tool. Once the tool is reset, you can set a withdrawal password.
5. Set a 6-digit withdrawal password, re-enter the password, then click [Confirm].
6. Withdrawal password is set successfully, click [Done] to close the pop-up window.
Note: Withdrawal password will be enabled by default after the setup.
How to enable or disable withdrawal password
1. To disable withdrawal password verification, click the toggle button and enter your password, then click [Confirm].
2. To enable withdrawal password verification, click the toggle button and enter your password, then click [Confirm].
How to change withdrawal password
1. Click [Change], read the reminder in the pop-up window, and click [Continue].
2. Obtain and enter the "Email verification code", then click [Next].
3. Select an appropriate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method (e.g. SMS / TOTP / Passkey) for verification. Then click [Next].
(1) If the current 2FA tool is unavailable, click [Switch verification tool] to use an alternative method to verify.
(2) If all of your other 2FA security tools are unavailable, please click [Security authentication unavailable?] to reset a security tool. Once the tool is reset, you can set a withdrawal password.
4. Enter your "old password", set a "new password", re-enter the "new password", then click [Confirm].
5. The withdrawal password is changed successfully, click [Done] to close the pop-up window.
How to reset withdrawal password
1. Click [Change] and choose [Forgot withdrawal password] in the pop-up window.
2. Read the instructions and tick the checkbox, then click [Confirm reset].
3. Enter the email verification code and 2FA code, and click [Next].
4. Upload a selfie photo of you holding both the ID document and a handwritten note, tick the checkbox and click [Confirm].
(1) The note should specify your request to reset CoinEx withdrawal password and the date when you make this request.
(2) Make sure your face and the ID are not covered, and all ID info is clearly visible.
5. Click [Back to Account Settings] to exit the current page.
6. On "Security Settings" page, click [view progress] to check the review status.
7. You can set a new withdrawal password after the reset is successful.