Introduction to Transaction Password
1. Description
The trading password consists of a 6-digit numerical code that must be confirmed before placing an order. Once the trading password is set, it must be entered for verification when engaging in Swap, Spot, Margin, and Futures Trading. However, for other trading types like Strategic Trading and API Trading, there is no requirement for verifying the trading password.
2. Management of Sub-Accounts
Sub-accounts do not have their own independent trading password and share the same password and activation status as the main account.
3. Preventive Mechanism Against Interruptions
Following verification of the trading password, there is no need to re-verify it if another transaction is conducted within 15 minutes.
How to set Trading Password
1. Visit CoinEx official website (, log in to your account, and select [Security Settings] from the dropdown menu under the [Avatar] icon in the top-right corner.
2. Find “Trading Password” in “Advanced Settings” section and click [Set].
Note: Please set up Two-Factor Authentication before setting a Trading Password.
3. Obtain and enter the "Email verification code", then click [Next].
4. Select an appropriate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method (e.g. Passkey / TOTP Verification / Mobile) for verification. Then click [Next].
(1) If the current 2FA tool is unavailable, click [Switch verification tool] to use an alternative method to verify.
(2) If all of your other 2FA security tools are unavailable, please click [Security authentication unavailable?] to reset a security tool. Once the tool is reset, you can set a Trading Password.
5. Set a 6-digit Trading Password, re-enter the password, then click [Confirm].
6. Finally, your Trading Password will be set successfully,.
Note: Trading Password will be enabled by default after the setup.
How to enable or disable Trading Password
1. Enable Trading Password
Toggle the button and a pop-up window will appear, showing that "Trading password enabled successfully".
2. Disable Trading Password
(1) Click the toggle button on the right to "Trading Password".
(2) Enter the "Email verification code", then click [Next].
(3) Select an appropriate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method (e.g. Passkey / TOTP Verification / Mobile) for verification. Then click [Next].
- If the current 2FA tool is unavailable, click [Switch verification tool] to use an alternative method to verify.
- If all of your other 2FA security tools are unavailable, please click [Security authentication unavailable?] to reset a security tool. Once the tool is reset, you can set a Trading Password.
(4) Finally, your Trading Password will be disabled successfully.
How to change Trading Password
1. Click [Change] on the right to "Trading Password".
2. Obtain and enter the "Email verification code", then click [Next].
3. Select an appropriate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method (e.g. SMS / TOTP / Passkey) for verification. Then click [Next].
(1) If the current 2FA tool is unavailable, click [Switch verification tool] to use an alternative method to verify.
(2) If all of your other 2FA security tools are unavailable, please click [Security authentication unavailable?] to reset a security tool. Once the tool is reset, you can set a Trading Password
4. Enter your "New Password", re-enter the "New Password", then click [Confirm].
5. Finally, your Trading Password will be changed successfully.