What is VIP Upgrade Voucher?
VIP Upgrade Voucher is a benefit voucher given to users by CoinEx. With VIP Upgrade Vouchers, users can increase their VIP level based on the voucher's rules, thereby enjoying the corresponding VIP benefits after the upgrade.
How to get VIP Upgrade Voucher?
1. Visit CoinEx official website (https://www.coinex.com), log in to your account, and select [Voucher Center] from the dropdown menu under the [Avatar] icon in the top-right corner.
2. After entering the [Voucher Center], click [Claim] on your VIP Upgrade Voucher.
If you have a redeem code, simply click [Redeem Voucher] in the top right corner and enter your redeem code to claim VIP Upgrade Voucher.
3. Kindly review the validity period, available upgrade levels, and rules attentively. VIP Upgrade Voucher will be activated instantly upon receipt.
4. Go to the "VIP Level" page to check your current VIP level, and start enjoying the corresponding VIP benefits.
FAQs about VIP Upgrade Vouchers
Q1: How to get VIP Upgrade Voucher?
A1: VIP Upgrade Voucher is a random bonus gifted by CoinEx to users. Users will be notified via email, instant push notifications, etc. to claim the voucher. You can also redeem it with a valid code.
Q2: What VIP level can I upgrade to?
A2: During the voucher validity, the upgraded VIP level will be reflected daily in your account center as per the latest displayed VIP level. VIP5 is the highest VIP level. When your original VIP level + upgrade voucher level is greater than Lv5, the maximum level you can reach is VIP5.
Q3: When does the VIP Upgrade Voucher take effect?
A3: VIP Upgrade Voucher is activated immediately upon receiving it, elevating your VIP level as per the levels specified in the voucher rules. After the voucher expires, your VIP level will not degrade instantly but will decrease the next day during the update of all users' VIP levels.
Note: VIP levels will be updated at 1:00 (UTC) on a daily basis.