Network crowdedness, withdrawal speed, transaction fee, the number of confirmations required, etc, may vary on different networks.
When making deposits to CoinEx, please ensure that the selected network matches the one chosen on the sending platform. Otherwise, your funds could be lost and may not be retrievable.
For USDT deposits, you can use TRC20, ERC20, BEP20, TON, SOL, AVA_C on CoinEx.
Each has different requirements for minimum deposit and number of confirmations.
Please make sure to select the same network as the sending platform.
For example, if you choose TRC20 on CoinEx, ensure that you also use TRC20 on the sending platform.
How to choose the network for deposit?
1. Visit CoinEx official website (, log in to your account, and select [Deposit] under [Assets] in the top-right corner.
2. Take USDT-TRC20 as an example:
(1) Select Coin [USDT]
(2) Select Network [TRC20]
(3) Click [Copy address] or [QR code] to get your CoinEx address and fill it in the [Withdrawal Address] on your sending platform.
Note: Click on the [Newbie Guide] button for more guidance.